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When developing a product it is common to create release notes when there is an update of the product. Creating these release notes can be a time consuming process which is depending on the amount of user stories that are delivered. It is common that Agile Project Management solutions like Pivotal Tracker have an API that can be used to retrieve information. In this blog post I will explain how the API of Pivotal Tracker can be used to generate release notes in an Excel sheet.
Retrieve information
To collect the information from the API of Pivotal Tracker a API token is needed. This token will be used for the authentication. Go to you profile and click create new token.
Within the script the token needs to be specified including the project number which can be found in the main URL of you project.
# Pivotaltracker API token, can be found in the profile page $apiKey = "APIKEY" # Pivotaltracker Project number $pivotalProject = "ProjectNumber"
Pivotal structure
This script is created on a specific structure within Pivotal Tracker. The user stories between two release are retrieved for the release notes.
These release needs to specified in the script.
# Release milestones to collect the userstory between $releaseFrom = "Release 1.0.0" $releaseUntil = "Release 1.0.1" $releaseNumber = "1.0.1"
The release notes will be generated in an Excel sheet, therefor the location of the Excel sheet needs to be specified. Please note the script will expect an existing sheet.
# Release notes excel file $releaseNotesSheet = "D:\Temp\Demo-release-notes.xlsx"
Within a user story the label note can be used to mark it. If a user story is marked it will be set as a public release note. By adding the text “Release note:” the script will add this text to the Excels sheet. This way you can make more user friendly release notes which can be used publicly.
By default the script will exclude chores because these are not relevant for release notes.
Creating the release notes
At first the release needs to be collect so we can define the range of user stories that needs to be collected.
# API call for the milestones $url = "" + $pivotalProject + "/stories?&filter=story_type%3Arelease" $releases = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Header @{"X-TrackerToken" = "$apiKey"} # Create array for the found releases $releaseIds =@() foreach ($release in $releases) { if ($release.Name -eq $releaseFrom -Or $release.Name -eq $releaseUntil) { $releaseIds = $releaseIds + $ } } Write-Host "Number of releases:" $releaseIds.Count
The script expects the Excel sheet to exists and is going to retrieve the existing items.
# Check if excel sheet can be accessed If (Test-Path -Path $releaseNotesSheet) { # Create the excel object and opening the excel sheet $Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application $Excel.Visible = $True # Set to false to edit excel sheet in the background $WorkBook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open("$releaseNotesSheet") $WorkSheet = $WorkBook.Worksheets.Item(1) } Else { Write-Host "Cannot access:" $releaseNotesSheet Timeout 10 Exit(2) } # Create array with existing PivotalIDs $PivotalIDs =@() $i = 2 $beginRows = $WorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Write-Host "Collecting existing items" do { $value = $worksheet.cells.item($i,2).Text if ($value -ne "" -Or $value -ne "PivotalID") { $PivotalIDs = $PivotalIDs + $value } $i++ } while ($i -le $beginRows)
If the information is correct and there are only two releases the next step is to retrieve the user stories and add them to the Excel sheet. This is the biggest part and the script will go through all the user stories and add them to the Excel sheet.
# Check for amount of releases in the array (should be only two) if ($releaseIds -le 1) { Write-Host "Cannot find the specified releases" Timeout 10 Exit(3) } else { # API call for the userstories between selected milestones $url = "" + $pivotalProject + "/stories?after_story_id=" + $releaseIds[0] + "&before_story_id=" + $releaseIds[1] $userStories = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Header @{"X-TrackerToken" = "$apiKey"} # Array for blocked labels $blockedLabels = @() $blockedLabels = $blockedLabels + "note" $blockedLabels = $blockedLabels + "bug" $blockedLabels = $blockedLabels + "timebox" foreach ($userStory in $userStories) { # Display the ID of the selected user story Write-Host "Working on user story:" $ -NoNewline # Check if userstoryid already is added $addItem = $true foreach ($id in $PivotalIDs) { if ($id -eq $ { # Yes it is! $addItem = $false break } } # Add item is not already exists if($addItem) { # Only add when the story type is a feature of a bug if ($userStory.story_type -eq "feature" -Or $userStory.story_type -eq "bug") { # Column format # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 # Version, PivotalID, Pivotal subject, Type, Component, Public, Description # Check for amount of rows in the excel sheet $rows = $WorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1 # Add the release number to the column 1 $worksheet.cells.item($rows,1) = $releaseNumber # Add user pivotal ID and hyperlink url in column 2 $worksheet.cells.item($rows,2) = $ $hyperlinkCell = "B" + $rows $hyperlinkCell = $worksheet.Range($hyperlinkCell) $worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add($hyperlinkCell, $userStory.url) | Out-Null # Add the pivotal subject to column 3 $worksheet.cells.item($rows,3) = $userStory.Name # Add the type to column 4 $worksheet.cells.item($rows,4) = $userStory.story_type # Set default public note to false $publicNote = $false # Create the empty component string for all the labels $compnentString = "" # Go into the label loop when user story contains labels if ($userStory.labels.count -gt 0) { # Loop trough the labels foreach ($label in $userStory.labels) { # When label is equal to note set the public note to true if ($label.Name -eq "note") { $publicNote = $true } # Set the default for adding a label to true $addLabel = $true # Loop trough the blocked labels foreach ($blockedLabel in $blockedLabels) { # If the label is equal to the blocked label set the adding a label to false if ($blockedLabel -eq $label.Name) { $addLabel = $false } } # If adding the label is true add label to the component string if ($addLabel) { $compnentString = $compnentString + $label.Name + ", " } } } # If the component string contains characters trim the last , <space> if ($compnentString.length -gt 0) { $compnentString = $compnentString.Substring(0,$compnentString.Length-2) } # Add the component string to column 5 $worksheet.cells.item($rows,5) = $compnentString # If public note is true add Yes to column 6, if not add No to column 6 and don't add a release note if ($publicNote) { $worksheet.cells.item($rows,6) = "Yes" # Collect the description for a public release note $releaseNotePosition = $userStory.description.ToLower().IndexOf("release note:") # When the release note is found add the release note to column 7 if ($releaseNotePosition -ne "-1") { $releaseNote = $userStory.description.Substring($releaseNotePosition +14) $worksheet.cells.item($rows,7) = $releaseNote } } else { $worksheet.cells.item($rows,6) = "No" } } else { Write-Host " - Item is not a feature or a bug" Write-Host "" } } else { Write-Host " - Item already exists" Write-Host "" } }
Finally a bar is defined as the end of the release and the Excel sheet is saved and closed.
# Is no new rows are added don't add release bar if ($beginRows -ne $WorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count) { # Add the Release bar with white text and blue background color $worksheet.cells.item($rows + 1,1) = "Release" $worksheet.cells.item($rows + 1,1).Font.Bold = $true $worksheet.cells.item($rows + 1,1).Font.ColorIndex = 2 $worksheet.Cells.Item($rows+1, 1).EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 49 } # Save the excel sheet $WorkBook.Save() $Excel.Quit() }
For this blog post I created a small example project which has a couple user stories. The script will add the following details to the Excel sheet.
- Version = Specified in the script
- Pivotal ID = Link toward the specific user story
- Pivotal subject = The tile of the user story
- Type = Feature or a bug
- Component = Labels
- Public = Public release note, Yes or No
- Description = User friendly release note if specified
By using the API of Pivotal Tracker we are able to retrieve all the information so we can automatically generate the release notes. As a Product Owner there is one place to keep all the information including the release notes of specific user stories. I hope this gives you a head start by automating your own release notes. A full copy of the script can be found here. If you have questions or comments please leave them below.